
South Africa, as a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is signatory to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention). South Africa is obliged to allow all aircraft of other contracting States to make flights into or in transit non-stop across its territory and to make stops for non-traffic purposes without the necessity of obtaining prior permission.

To ensure that South Africa complies with the above mandatory obligation outlined in the Chicago Convention, the Minister of Transport issued an exemption for holders of foreign licences from applying for a FOP in respect of a class IV intemational air service. Provided that they meet the following requirements: not more than eight (8) passengers or 1000 kilograms of cargo or mail transported on the inbound flight and the outbound; and no passengers, cargo, or mail are taken on at any point within South Africa for discharge at any other point in the territory.

For safety reasons such flights are required to obtain special permission from the National Department of Transport prior to fling a flight plan with ATNS. In addition, operators should contact ACSA other international airports for landing and parking arrangements.

All non- South African air carriers that wish to undertake scheduled or non scheduled commercial international air services to South Africa are required to hold a Foreign Operators Permit (FOP) before that flight is undertaken.

Applciation Process

Application Process

​Permit holders shall apply to the chairperson of the council on the prescribed form if they desire to amend: the type of international air service; the category, kind of aircraft and registration number the airport; the frequency of flight; or any condition.

An application for FOP or amendment therefore shall contain all the particulars and information prescribed in respect of such application and shall be accompanied by the prescribed documents..
